Updated prototype of time-travel racing game. In this version, you have 4 minutes to escape the human chasing you by utilizing a time jumping vehicle to swap between the past, present, and future. Pay attention to the minimap to plot your route. The green is the past, blue is the present, and red is the future. The human will be stuck in a normal vehicle in the present and following that route.


Use WASD/arrow keys to move. If the road exists and your time jump capabilities are warmed up, use Q, E, or R keys to jump to a different time frame.

This prototype does not include any music or sound effects. However, there is a voiced-cutscene if you choose to watch the instructions.

Save the squirrel by getting to the end in time to escape!


Voice overs by my family members.

Squirrel and Raccoon images by wirestock on Freepik.com.

Vehicle controller adapted from series of articles on Medium by Jean-Noel Seneque.

Grass and Road textures from manytextures.com

Map inspired by real roads (including the one past my house growing up) in my hometown. Roads built in Blender by myself.

For a comparison to the older prototype, see https://weeniewalkergames.itch.io/time-swap. About 95% of this game has been rebuilt, excepting some limited generic menu stuff that I have been slowly building over my past dozen game jams.

All comments welcome. My goal is to continue to develop this game and ultimately make it into a racing game where there are advantages and disadvantages to taking certain paths through time.

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