Submission for the Unity Jam 2024 - theme "Expanding"

Given an area, place different shapes that will grow and cover part of it. Each shape will grow until it hits either a boundary wall or another shape.


Left click a shape to activate it. Move mouse to determine placement location and left click to place it; right click to reset the shape and not place it.

Once you place all your shapes, hit the play button to watch them grow.

Hit the reset button or try the level again to aim for a better result.

UI artwork from a pack from GameDevMarket. All other art, music, and sound effects by me.

Published 3 days ago
AuthorWeenie Walker Games
TagsGame Jam


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hey man, my name is Logan and I hope I dont sound weird when I ask this, but I was wondering if you or someone you worked with would want to an interview with me. It would be for my content and you'd be the second person I'd interview, and it would only be about 10 minutes, maybe longer. It would be through a google meet and all I would do is ask you questions about the game you made. My free times are today at 11;30pm central time, Sunday 8;30pm central time, Monday at 4;30 pm central time, Tuseday at 4;30pm central time and Thursday at 4;30pm central time. If you don't wanna do the interview, that is absolutely fine with me. Please comment back here sometime today, and if you wanna do the interview, we can figure things out from there. Hope to hear from you soon.