Do YOU want to build a factory? Now you can!

Your grandma has offered you an inheritance so you can follow your dreams of owning a chair factory. Make the decisions about what machines to invest in, how many lines to operate, and see if you can become a success! Different machine combinations create different chair types that sell for various prices. But be warned - the machines you have access to are not very accurate!

Do you invest in a Quality Control Machine to at least prevent some errors from leaving the factory? Do you stick with basics and avoid the Upholstery Machines? Used or New? The choices are yours! (A button at the top of the game window allows you to see all chair combinations, the selling price and return cost, as well as which machines are needed to create the combination.)

Be warned - if you build the wrong chair and sell it, you will lose money on a return! However, if you invest in a QC Machine, there is a chance those defects can be caught and the chair sent for rework at a much reduced price.

Note: There is an opening cutscene that takes a bit to work through. However, I have added the Skip button at the start of the game to make it quicker to restart.


Left click on the open spaces to open the "Purchase Machine" window. Right click to close that window. Once you place the Frame Machine, click the button to start the line. You can also click that button again to pause the line - something I suggest when adding or selling machines! If you click on a location where you already have a machine, you can sell it back at a fraction of the purchase price. This is a great way to upgrade machines or change chair configurations coming out of your factory!

Note on Machine Names

You'll notice the names of the machines in this game. That is both to help you out and to honor my grandpa , George. He had worked on the line at an automobile factory, installing spark plugs into the engine. When my step-dad, an electrician/machine repair tech, got us a tour of that same factory decades after my grandpa's retirement, we got to the machine that thankfully had replaced my grandpa's role. It was amazing - my step-dad had talked with the crew of the machine and gotten permission to "name" it after my grandpa using black electrical tape!

My grandpa was honestly thrilled at the honor. However, my step-dad made a confession; in a few weeks time, that machine would forever have that name. Why? Because it is much easier for the crew there to dial my step-dad's group and reference that "George is on the fritz" rather than some strange serial number that the repair techs would have to look up. It was a win-win for both sides in the shop!

In honor of that story, the machines in my game are named. However, eagle eye players may just be able to identify the somewhat obscure Easter Egg. True, the first machine option is named for my grandpa , but the other names are all related of sorts; see if you can spot the pattern!

Art assets from Music and sound effects from various bundles I've purchased over the years. Picture of grandmother and factory from, CC0.

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